Sunday, April 2, 2017

Recognizing the full importance of Face Shapes

For centuries, human variation has primarily been thought of in terms of ethnic groups or even cruder traits, such as skin color.

The fact is that the shape of an individual's face is of vastly greater significance in determining their overall "look" than skin color. Indeed, the face is the center of what we perceive to be an individual. A body shown without a face is merely an anonymous torso, but a face shown without a body is just as clearly a distinct individual as when a face is shown with its body. All it takes is a black bar across the eyes, a bandanna covering the jaw, or sometimes just a new hairstyle in order to obscure our perception of an individual's face.

Face shape is such a significant part of the human phenotype, yet its full significance has been ignored by traditional crude, ethnocentric classifications of "race" and human variation. A less crude and non-ethnocentric way of looking at human variation must start with re-evaluating how we look at faces.

Face shape transcends ethnic group. In every nationality and ethnic cluster one can find examples of every face shape. Once we break free from the aesthetic poison of fixating on skin color or superficial ethnic features, it becomes quite clear that, visually and metrically, an Oval-shaped face from one ethnic group looks more similar to an Oval-shaped face from a different ethnic group than to a Square-shaped face from the same ethnic group! Don't just take my word for it, convince yourself by visiting the Face Shape Gallery pages!


Have a suggestion for an individual who should be included in one of the Face Shape Galleries? Post it here! Public figures (e.g. models, actors, musicians, athletes, celebrities) only please--no private individuals.

Other questions or comments are encouraged as well.

Face Shape articles:

Face Shape Galleries:

Reclaming 'Race' from Racists

The derisive phrase "scientific racism" has been thrown around frequently by opponents of racism. However, it is important to distinguish between racism (i.e. ethno-tribalism and prejudice against those who do not belong to the ethnic "in-group") and discussion of the concept of "race". Attacking the immorality of racism must be kept separate from criticism of the biological concept of race itself. While it is true that historically some anthropologists who researched "race" were ethnocentric and therefore produced biased classifications, their flaws must be distinguished from racists who misuse accurate biological data to support pseudo-scientific conclusions.

By lumping together the concepts of racism and "race" itself, anti-racists have made a grave mistake. Such a strategy allows racists to disingenuously bolster their racism with scientific data without opposition. In order to defeat racism, anti-racists must fully acknowledge that human groups have genuine biological differences and not shy away from discussing "race" in a biological (i.e. non-sociological) context. Once this is achieved, we can directly wage war on racists from two fronts: directly attacking the immorality of racism (i.e. ethno-tribalism) itself, and demonstrating how racists develop dishonest and pseudo-scientific conclusions from genuine scientific data.

Racism existed long before anthropology was formalized as a science, racists have and continue to use many other justifications for their prejudice other than purely biological differences, and--most importantly--racism will not go away by refusing to counter claims made by racists. In fact, it is very likely that racism itself and, more generally, all forms of tribalism have biological foundations! The sooner anti-racists accept this and ditch the idea that all discussion of "race" and human differences are worthy of ridicule, the sooner we can begin to put a halt to the growing influence of the HBD movement.

Ultimately, to reverse the damage that has been inflicted by centuries of ethnocentric classifications of race and begin gaining ground in the fight against the innate tendency of tribalists towards prejudice, we must introduce an entirely new way of looking at race. The final blow against ethnocentric classification of human variation can only be dealt once the True Left is able to replace Racial Identity with Racial Idealism as the default way of thinking about the topic of "race" in biological and sociological contexts.


To get us started, check out how easy it is to demolish common HBD beliefs using the work of early 20th century anthropologists which HBDers claim to admire (and whose work is most strongly identified with "scientific racism" by PC ideology):

Additional articles in this series:

Twin Study 1

Fraternal (non-identical) twins are just as genetically different from each other as regular siblings. However, being twins often causes us to think of such individuals as being somehow more related or connected to one another than regular siblings. Indeed, plenty of fraternal twins share very close bonds, due to both sharing many childhood experiences together (e.g. same birthdays, same level in school, easier to share toys and clothes) as well as facing constant social pressure to live up to their identity as twins.

From an aesthetic point of view, twins are the same age, so all photos where both twins are present show them at precisely the same calendar age, though not necessarily the same physical level of aging. An individual's look can subtly or even dramatically change as they age (their skin will begin to wrinkle and sag, and they may gain weight as their metabolism becomes more inefficient), so it is unfair to compare two individuals at different ages. Since we know twins are the same age, this makes it easy to fairly compare their faces and bodies directly.

Identical twins are often used in scientific studies in order to examine the effects that differing lifestyles and environments have on the body (because these twins are genetically identical and presumably react similarly under a specific environmental stressor). Fraternal twins can be excellent aesthetic case studies, showing us just how different two closely-related individuals can look.


For instance, let's look at Barbara Bush (left) and Jenna Bush (right), twin daughters of former US President George W. Bush and Laura Bush.

Had I not written the long introduction about twins, it would be easy to believe they came from entirely separate families!

Barbara has an Oval face and ectomorphic body:

While Jenna has a much wider, Pentagon-leaning, face and has put on more weight as she aged:

Looking at a picture of when both sisters were young, Jenna's look (left) appears to have changed more over the years than Barbara's (right):